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How physical activity can help in the fight against breast cancer

Breast cancer is a complex disease that affects millions of women across the globe each year. Though the American Cancer Society reports that only about 4 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States are under age 40, women of all ages can take steps to protect themselves against this deadly disease.

How to help pollen pollinators

Why are pollinators so important? That’s easy - food. One out of three bites of food can be attributed to these important creatures – such as bees, butterflies, moths, birds, beetles, bats, and a few other small mammals. Pollinators provide crucial assistance to fruit, vegetable and seed crops as well as other plants that produce fiber, medicine and fuel. For many plants, without the help of pollinators, they would be unable to reproduce.

Time to register your livestock brands, signage

In Texas, if a livestock owner uses brands, earmarks, tattoos, or electronic devices to mark their cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, or horses, they must register the brands with the county clerk. See Texas Agric. Code Sections 144.001; 144.041. Brands must be registered at the county clerk’s office in any county where the livestock resides. See Texas Agric. Code Section 144.041. For example, if you have livestock both in Van Zandt County and in Kaufman County, you will need to ensure that your brand is registered at both of those county clerks’ offices. The registration will require identifying the brand itself, along with the location where the brand or other identifying information is placed on the animal. See Texas Agric. Code Section 144.042.
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While the outside of Van Zandt Courthouse has received a much needed washing the 294 th District Courtroom has added a couple of needed things to the courtroom as well. VZC District Judge Chris Martin, along with Carl Waddell and Larry Gann of the Van Zandt County Community Supervision and Corrections Department, helped add some decoration to the courtroom, with ‘In God We Trust” and “294 th District Court” now gracing the walls. Courtesy photos